IPF Classic Worlds

Case study: Bringing an international powerlifting event to life

a close up of 2 hands wrapped in boxing tape clapping together with chalk

Moving the IPF Classic Worlds

Moving event venues is a complex, difficult process. The Canadian Powerlifting Union was selected to host the 2018 International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) Classic Worlds. When the original venue became infeasible, The Canadian Powerlifting Union requested our help with navigating this change. From staging to lighting to video and live sound reinforcement, we provided the production services required to make the IPF Classic Worlds a success.

screen showing the powerlifting competition happening. man lifts orange weightsa wide shot of the set up of the stage and audience together with purple lights

All the behind the scenes magic

Our team worked behind the scenes upgrading venue electrical, designing event floor plans and rigging the venue - working within the critical restrictions of the structure. We also reinforced staging to ensure stability for the athletes while they perform deadlifts, squats and other powerlifting moves throughout the 10-day event.

a lift raises a man into the ceiling to install lights for the eventsetting up curtains for the live event
lighting and stage set up for dekeda boxing powerlifting

All the behind the scenes magic

No production is complete without the perfect lighting and sound. Our team provided the lighting, live sound, and handled all routing of video, scoreboard and lifter information displays to 14 separate screen and projector destinations. We also provided on-site technical support throughout the event. The sum of our efforts contributed to a successful 2018 IPF Classic Worlds.

behind the stage view of the tvs and computers watching the live streamside of stage view of the power lifting compeitition

This project was originally completed by Popeye Media, which is now Maven Media Group Inc.

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