Video Case Study Packages

Turn your past success into your most powerful selling tool

Maven can help you create high-quality case studies

With over a decade of experience in marketing and video production, Maven provides support in all phases of case study development including: strategy, writing, video production, design, and project management.

We approach case studies from a video perspective, enabling you to get the most out of your success story – while also minimizing the impact on your featured customer.

A case study is a marketing asset that pays for itself

Accelerate growth through word-of-mouth
Build trust early in the sale process
Close more deals using real-world examples
Provide your team with versatile testimonial video assets

Our process

Kick-off & Strategy Session

We meet with you to discuss the details of the project and to establish overall communication goals for the video.

Story development & interview planning

At this stage, we work to outline the video structure to ensure a cohesive message is communicated throughout the video. This includes developing a unique set of interview questions, a b-roll shot list, and coordinating the interview with your featured customer. Choose to handle the planning, correspondence and interview yourself or lean on us to take care of all the details.


Maven will work to plan the shoot around your featured customer’s schedule. The shoot includes capturing both interviews and the b-roll, but the featured customer only needs to be available for about 45 min per interview. Choose to conduct the interviews yourself or lean on us to handle on the details on the filming day.


After the shoot, we back up the footage, organize the content and then create a draft based on the initial outline. This is followed by a review process with you and your featured customer, including revisions as needed.

Additional assets

Depending on the scope of the project we then work to create any secondary assets including social shorts, alternate edits, written case studies, and graphic design assets. These assets can be developed from the initial interview and b-roll allowing us to leverage your content without needing more of the featured customer's time

Final delivery

Upon final approval, the video edits go through our audio and colour mastering process and are then shared for download. We provide you with edit- friendly, hi-res stringouts of the footage that your marketing team can use in other content.

The end result

Showcasing meaningful partnerships with ATB

Telling customer success stories with Fillip

Exploring the impacts of vital technologies with SkyTrac

Service packages

Maven offers two unique base packages, with an array of add-ons, allowing you allowing you to tailor our services to your business’s needs.

Self-directed Video Case Study

This package is ideal if you’d prefer to outline the video, conduct the interviews, and manage the coordination with your featured customer. You plan and interview, we film and edit.

Project coordination and account management
Client to coordinate with featured customer
Client to provide interview questions, story outline, and shot list
Client to conduct interview
Half-day of filming
1-2 minute edit
Hi-res footage stringouts
Music license
StartING at $4,070*
*Costs are location dependant

Full-service Video Case Study

With this package, Maven will take care of all the details including planning, coordination, interviewing, filming, and editing. We’ll keep you in the loop through all stages of the project and work to minimize the impact on your featured customer.

Project coordination and account management
Coordination with featured customer
Interview questions, story outline, and shot list
On-site interviewer
Half-day of filming
1-2 minute edit
Hi-res footage stringouts
Music license
StartING at $5,495*
*Costs are location dependant

Common add-ons

Maven can help you leverage your interview footage and B-roll to create a variety of additional marketing assets — without additional filming days.

Social Shorts
Alternate edits
Written case studies
Graphic design assets
Unedited project footage

Brands we've worked with

We’ve collaborated with a wide range of global brands to create high-quality case study videos.

Ready to get started?

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Frequently asked questions

How do you minimize the impact of filming on my featured client?

Maven works to plan the shoot around your featured customer’s schedule. Your featured customer only needs to be available for about 45 minutes per interview, and will receive all questions in advance to give them ample time to prepare.

Will Maven provide the interview questions?

Maven can provide a comprehensive question list that ensures we capture the key content for your case study. We also give our clients the option to provide their own question list, video outline, and b-roll shot list for a reduced cost.

How long does it take to set up for filming? How long to pack up?

It takes about 60 to 90 minutes to load in our equipment, then set up the lights and cameras. Our kit can typically be packed up in 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, our team coordinates with your featured customer to avoid interfering with their day-to-day operations

How long until I received a complete edit of my case study video?

Maven will deliver a draft of your case study video within 1-2 weeks of filming. We then carefully incorporate your feedback and tailor the video to your precise requirements. We are happy to work with you on a specific timeline depending on your needs.

What's the difference between a testimonial and a case study?

A video case study provides an overview of a project or partnership, featuring interview footage from both you and your featured customer. It builds a compelling narrative around the experience of working with your company.

Story-driven marketing
Includes interview footage from both the client and service provider
Covers a project or partnership in substantial detail

A video testimonial is an engaging review of your company, featuring interview footage solely from your featured customer. It allows your featured customer to endorse your product or service, with less emphasis on telling an overarching story. 

Endorsement-driven marketing
Only includes interview footage from the featured customer
Provides a concise review of your company

Maven specializes in producing video case studies, which can be adapted and repurposed for countless marketing objectives.

If you’re interested in creating a video testimonial, this deliverable is available as an add-on for our base service packages.

What will I receive at the end of the project?

All projects include digital downloads of the finished video(s). We typically deliver this as an MP4 file, which is the hi-res video you’ll use to upload to YouTube, social media, or the platform of your choice.